Movies & more

Most of you know that I have a chronic affliction of watching movies, even bad ones. While chatting with someone, I was accused of wasting time watching movies, which according to him, I could have better used, by making something of my life.
I strongly disagreed with him, and here I would like to note down the things I have learnt from movies, which I could not have got from any other source.

Lessons from Movies
  • The best time to do a quick Reconnaissance of a room, and check out the entry/exit points, as well as spy on the people present, is while doing a complicated dance, with atleast 50 extras dancing the same step in sync.

  • [On a related note].. The easiest way to gain entry to a high security party is to masquerade as a dance troop.

  • There are 2 ways in which a boy can meet a girl in college; firstly by having a big fight & secondly by being very clumsy and running into [literally] her, which result in both of you dropping all your stuff on the floor, thus giving ample opportunity for both of you to take each other's stuff.

  • If you meet someone and start off on the wrong foot, and you don't know their name, chances are high that, you will be spending a lot of the next day and a half, either saving the world from Nuclear disaster, or saving the POTUS, or falling in love, and quite possibly all three.

  • The skill most required of a criminal, is an ability to dance well.

  • If there is a shootout between rival gangs, the newbie will have the best aim.

  • The best time to have a secret, heated discussion with ur significant other is during a ball dance.[Ok I know I am coming back to dancing, but that's what I have noticed]

  • A Spy has the best sex life. [Even Arnold in True Lies has one by the end]

  • A porn star can pretend to be a hot school teacher and no one but the priest will know her true occupation.

  • Mafia Dons can't plan their next move unless the are being fitted a suit by an exclusive & expensive tailor.

These are the thing I have learnt in the past 3 days by watching movies, what have you learnt?