Here are 2 of the funniest cartoons I have seen on the Blasts:
This one from the AsianAge:
And low and behold, I got two emails claiming exactly that.
The first one claimed:
11 minutes 7 places 8 blasts.
Tuesday was the 11th day of the 7th month, in the year 2006; and we know the numerical root of 2006 is 2+0+0+6=8
while another claimed that :
The blasts happened on 11/7/2006; Now 1+1+7+2+6=17; 1+7=8;The thing with numerology, and especial this hindsight kind of numerology is that once you have a series of random numbers, you can definitely find some complicated formula which will fit that data. I'll start believing in numerology, once they effectively predict a future event, and it happens exactly when they claim it will happen.
now we know that 8 is the number of Saturn, which brings along calamity and destruction; Further more 8 will explain why bad things happen on the 26th; becaue 2+6=8 [refer to my earlier post: 26, The bad luck day!]