The Problem in Answering Questions

Richard Feynman had the uncanny talent for making things so simple, that anyone could understand it. He could look at anything and figure out what is critical to understand it, and remove everything else out of the equation. This comes out somewhat from being trained in science, but he had that special gift, which was beyond all of this.

I have often felt very inferior and stupid whenever I have heard him talk, or read his writings. And I mean this in a good way. He was a magician, and if you looked at him talk, or try to get an insight into his way of thought, you would soon realize that he thought about things in a way that no one else every thought about them. I forget who said this, but someone once said that if you ask Feynman how an electron would behave in a certain situation, he would ask himself: “If I were an electron, what would I do in this situation?”

All scientist in specific and thinkers in general, have a framework for their thought process. You generally, have a framework, upon which you work. You build upon what you know, and use your existing knowledge to understand something new.

In many fields, not only science, the framework itself is so large, that understanding only the basics itself is a lot of work. Take an Accountant for example; He or she will have to know the 3 basic rules of Accountancy. On top of that you need to know your local laws. Add to it the conventions followed in your industry and so forth. Very soon, the knowledge base evolves to a humongous size. No wonder, filing your tax returns is such an annoying task. I should know; I did that just yesterday.

Something similar happens when one is describing basic physics to a lay person. I have no problem understanding how EM fields propagate, and how light is given out by an electron, when it comes down to ground state from and excited state. I have no problem accepting the fact that light is neither a wave nor a particle, but can behave like a wave under certain circumstance and like a stream of particle under some other circumstances. I can sleep perfectly at peace, knowing that particles themselves behave wave-like in some circumstances.

But when you try to explain these kinds of things to the lay person, it is often very difficult to convey the exact meaning without taking too much out of it. We tend to take these things very trivially, because they have become a part of our framework of thinking.

Here is a video of the great master himself explaining this, and telling us why he prefers not to cheat, by dumbing down the explanation.


I was watching this Song on a show on Etv Rajasthan. The name of the programme was Bhule Bisre Geet and the name is perfect. Such a song can never be made today; Not only because there is no one like Shakeel Badayuni, but because such a song would never be accepted today.
Listen to the lyrics of this song:
n jaao saiyyaa, chhudaa ke baiyyaa
kasam tumhaaree main ro padoongee
machal rahaa hain suhaag meraa
jo tum naa honge, to kyaa karungee

If a song had similar lyrics today, the feminists would raise a furor over this. How dare a woman define her happiness by a man? How dare her world revolve around a man?
This in short is my main problem with the feminist movement. With the sexual revolution in the 60’s, women have progressed a lot. Let us get this straight. I am not against women’s liberation and emancipation.

What I am against is the ill-effects caused due to women blindly trying to do everything that men do. It is like they selected the worst things that men do and then tried to do it.
People might not agree with me, when I say that Family is the most important part of life. Life is too short to live it selfishly, in an individualistic life. The Glue holding two people together is the knowledge that they share a world, which is different from the whole world, and is experienced by only those two.

One of the requirements for that to happen is that their worlds revolve around each other. This is true for the man, as well as the woman. And if that doesn’t happen, then the motivation for both of them to remain in the relationship is affected. So is the passion, as well as the commitment.

One must be happy for all the growth in our society and culture; But not for a moment must one think that everything has been for the better.