Most of you know how much I hate shopping, especially the window variety. I am more of a Go-Look-Like-buy kind of shopper, and have a tolerance for maybe an hour or two of window shopping.
At a recent visit to Chennai, we had gone to a mall, called the Spencers Plaza. This is a huge place, spread over, what appeared to be like a gazillion floors. Each floor is vast, designed like a rat's maze, with the path having twists and turns. I was exhausted by the end of an hour of this touristing, and my sister promised me that we would stop to eat, at what appeared to be the last turn in the path.
Imagine my Horror when I saw the following sign.[For the differently Visual & Humour Impaired : The sign mentions 'More shops' as If the ones we had been in, weren't enough]
You Know you are in my hell when...
Posted by Dev | Filed under uknow
Comments (1) | 3:56 pm
1 Response to "You Know you are in my hell when..."
i CAN imagine!
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