What Just Happened?

Convalescing from a severe bout of Flu, I am surprisingly at home today. I caught the news that a new Terrorism bill has been introduced in parliament and I had to check it out. And I am shocked!
Check out http://www.rediff.com/news/2008/dec/16mumterror-features-of-the-proposed-national-investigation-agency.htm

They have put in a small point at the end, expecting most people would not read down till there. Go read it again. Ok I’ll mention it here, incase you haven’t still got it.
Court shall presume, unelss contrary is shown, that accused has committed offence
Have you digested that? Let me repeat it, in case you still haven’t got it. Court shall presume, unelss contrary is shown, that accused has committed offence.

Do you see how scary it is? We used to think that the BJP/NDA was the scary one, with total disregard for human rights and civil liberties. The congress has once again proved, how it can be even scarier.

If you think I am getting all hyper about something trivial, let me introduce to something called Presumption of innocence or innocent until proven guilty.

What this principle basically means that the accused is presumed to be innocent, until the prosecution proves beyond doubt that the person is guilty. The burden of proof, lies on the accuser, not on the accused.

This has been valid for a long time, and is the basis of most of modern law. It is one of the most important principle in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which says that Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which they have had all the guarantees necessary for their defence.

Now do you get why the new law is so scary? Suppose you are sitting in train, and you make small chat with the guy next to you. Later that guy goes and does something heinous. The police can just say that you were aiding him, and hence you are now a terrorist. Now it is your job, to prove that you are innocent.

Well actually as they have put it, they don’t even have to say anything. If you are charged under this, then you will be automatically sentenced, unless you prove otherwise. Guilty by association, was never this easy.

Maybe I am reading a simplified version of the bill, or it has been dumbed-down in the article. But as it stands, that is one hell of a shocker.

I don’t even understand how that is valid under the constitution, and maybe other people will scrutinise it further, and throw more light on it. I am going to watch, what happens in the next few days, very closely.

4 Responses to "What Just Happened?"

Chitrak said... Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:28:00 am

Dayam, that is scary, but i must point out the wiki article is scarier, in that it discusses none of the reasons for such a law to exist, and seems to be only interested in pointing out how the law represents something untrue! IE, they don't mention that the law's purpose is to prevent arrests by association and political arrests, etc.

Dev said... Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:39:00 am

It's wikipedia..what do you expect?
These might be of intrest to you, though:


Priyanka Dalal said... Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:19:00 pm

These people are horrible they cant be trusted at all. When the Mumbai attacks were happening one minister clearly said that tougher laws are not needed the existing laws need to be implemented better. That is when I breathed a little easy.

Its not a law yet it needs to be passed by the states it seems so hopefully it doesnt get passed.

They could have atacked pakistan but that is too much for them, they will only sit here and who cares if the public get a bad deal as long as one of them doesnt get convicted.
So if a minister is caught under this law same rules apply right?

Dev said... Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:24:00 am

A politician being tried under this law??? An excellent fantasy. But one that will hardly happen. They couldn't even handle raj Thakrey properly.

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