Hypnagogic Musings

There are times when one has had a hard day and wishes to switch everything off. Something similar happened to me yesterday. After the exam, I had coffee at CCD and went to the station. The day being a Saturday, the crush dense load was missing and I happened to get a place to sit at Charni Road. The train happened to be the 'illenium Rake'. I haven't named it so; The M has actually fallen/stolen from the coach. The interiors might be shiny and open, a refreshing change form the old shit coloured coaches, but the seats suck. Firstly the place between seats is too small, and with my long legs, it hard not to hit the facing co-passenger in the groin. Secondly the distance between the back of your head and the wall behind it is about 4 inches, so its very hard to sleep.(ok I'm digressing)

Thankfully I had got a window seat and I had nothing better to do, so I started snoozing. I was sitting in an awkward position and had just had black coffee, so its no wonder that I found myself drifting from consciousness to alertness and back again. This continued till I made myself at home in the Hypnagogic state.

This is a state in which one is not quite dreaming, but neither is he fully awaking. You might be vaguely aware of what's happening around you, but its a weird state to be in. The curious thing about all this was that I was aware of all this and did a very Feynman'isque thing. I started to observe that there were times when I was not aware of my Hypnagogic state. Everytime I came back, I knew time had passed but couldn't tell how much or how I knew.

I remember having had experiences like this before and now that I try to analyze, I can see that the common thing to all of them is that I have been in this stage right after I stopped doing mental tasks which were excruciatingly exhausting. Today's task being keeping all those equations and theories in my memory. What I think happened was that after this hard works, the brain cells to protect themselves switched off or something. I realize that I am not being very lucid or even articulate here, but bear with me.

As the exam was over, I no longer had to remember all that stuff, so it was like my brain was formatting itself. I don't know if what happens at the neuron level can be compared to the hard disk, but that's the best way I can put it right now.

As I reached Borivali, the sun had set and darkness had fallen. Then this deep gloom came over me, which I have recognize whenever my body/or my unconscious gets confused. I know its night but I am not quite sure that its time for nightfall. In my gloom i felt that it was quite dark. To check I looked at the streetlamps, and many of them were infact off. I am not implying that in some mysterious way my mental state affected the halogens and switched some of them off. All I am just saying is that since I was in a particular state of mind,I remembers the darkness. It affected me, because I was partial in that mood. If I had been cheerful or something, I would not have noticed the partial darkness.

As I trudged back home, I remembers that Homes had once remarked to Watson that the 'nothingness after a case' was a funny experience (or something to that effect) I think he was referring to this very feeling.

11 Responses to "Hypnagogic Musings"

Sagar Kolte said... Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:34:00 am

ah! interesting!

Oscar said... Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:56:00 pm

now i can begin to forget solid state. The entropy shall begin to decrease henceforth.

Oscar said... Sunday, March 26, 2006 3:05:00 pm

your NDTV v/s IBN link is nice to read... i have been interested in such stuff and sagarika.

Chitrak said... Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:29:00 pm

sagarika? Femme Sagar?

Hope ccds wasn't too boring. I may know how you feel, at any rate i feel like that now.

WV: zclxt

Dev said... Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:36:00 pm

Oscar, U ... have been interested in such stuff and sagarika. I thought u just watched Headlines Today. Oh, Sorry that was me.

Chit, U looser. U make me wait and then you get in that damn Bus. CCD was fun. It was a lot like college. Some good Coffee and lots of girls showing their cleavege. Both anterior and posterior.

Sagar Kolte said... Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:29:00 pm

dev, i envy you!

astroid said... Monday, March 27, 2006 6:37:00 pm

i like hypnogogic states (i dint know they were called that.)
Sometimes they can trigger off into laughing fits which are the best.
How did manage any kind of logical thinking.. doesnt it disturb them??
Infact sometimes thinking logically leads to a slight headachy feel in my head.
like getting up with a start in the middle of a night mare....really not nice.

Dev said... Monday, March 27, 2006 11:19:00 pm

chingachgook ...
I wasn't thinking when I was in that state, just observing. Like u would say 'being in the moment'
and talking ...infact sometimes thinking logically leads to a slight headachy feel in my head.
like getting up with a start in the middle of a night mare....really not nice...
well I am living that nightmare.. giving TYBSC exams in Physics

Dev said... Monday, March 27, 2006 11:21:00 pm

sagar U need not be jealous. I said they were girls not hot or sexy girls at CCD.

astroid said... Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:58:00 pm

how odd... i was also feeling similarly about exams though not exactly.... what i find not nice is that after all that logical and very external thinking.. there is really no place here to make internal contacts.
This may not really make sense but i had been studying in the ashram it was wondeful cause after that studying i could sit in so many places and be completely silent... and be really in tune with what was going on inside.. that way both the internal and external are managed.. here there is just no place to truly relax.

Chitrak said... Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:23:00 am

did you go to ccds this time? I may join you on the 3rd. Or more probably the fourth, since that is my worst nightmare.


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