Well many of you would not believe that I am the type of guy who would even keep a private diary, forget a open public blog. But hey, You get to know new things everyday.

Some of my friends think that my experiences would be intresting to a few others as well. Let me at the onset confess that I have always questioned their sanity, but It has never stopped me from following their advice, in the past, so I will not let their insanity stop me this time.

So what will I yak about here, do you ask? Well anything that intrests me, any thing that I feel strongly about at the moment of writing, or anything interesting that comes to my notice. So you will see me pontificate on various topics like food, politics. news, sex, the physics department, books, Mumbai, art, cartography, indian history, photography, travel, journalists, politicians, health issues, humour, movies, tv shows, the adventures that I have and some absurdities I see in life. Well on second thoughts, I'll keep the sex part as some exclusive material for my mémoire, when I become rich & famous.

So Dear Reader, best of luck!

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